Monday, August 3, 2009

Sec 3 E/ N(A) Straits Times Reflection Week 6

Sec 3 E/ N(A) Straits Times Reflection Week 6

Article: “Government acts to curb younger smokers” (Pg A1 & A4)


1. What are some measures by the government to curb smoking?

2. How successful do you think these measures would be?
Support your answer with reasons.

Some of the measures are to increase the fines for underage smoking , giving ban on the certain sales of tobacco and also barring some places from selling them , lower the rate of permitted nicotine and tar allowed in the cigarettes. These could further reduce the number of people smoking not just in the public places and also in smoking restricted areas . Because of this some smokers will have to curb it as the sales of cigarettes have been lowered and now not any nearby minimarts as ban as the banning and barring of the cigarettes have led many smokers to have trouble purchasing it . now that the sales of cigarettes could increase due to the governments ban cigarettes can now be sold at hih prices but even after purchasing it smokers will still not be enjoying it for long as the lowered level in the nicotine have made cigarettes less of what its contents used to be and thus some might quit it as they no longer find it and interest and hard to get as they now have to go through all the trouble just to get a box of cigarettes to smoke . I would say that it would be quite a success as many smokers would find trouble to smoke more and more often which would really further reduce the numbers of smokers and second hand smoking .

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