Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Straits Times E-Forum ReflectionWeek 3Article: “Ink Corporated” – ‘IN’ Section (Pg 8-9)

Question 1:What are some reasons stated in the article why some people choose to have body art like tattoos or piercings done on parts of their boy.

Question 2:(a) What are some impressions you would form of a person whose body is covered with tattoo?

(b) Would you consider getting a tattoo in future? Why?

They find it cool or fun , getting attention of others , different from others and also to be in the latest trend. Most of the impressions would be a gangster as most people who bully with others like to do body piercing and painting which could show how bad a person really is . I would not try to talk to them as i find it hard to sometime face them . Many people would always look out et hose who have the most weird kinds of piercing which make them seem really disgusting as they could go to such extent of piercing their body until it looks like a monster . I would not consider getting a tattoo in the future as it does not look cool and it does not give me or most people a pleasant look . And people with tattoo will find it hard to get good jobs and better pay.
Tattoes are also expensive and cost a skin of the body so that it can stay there and once its there it would never come off . It could come off but doing it will cost lots of money and would also damage the skin . So i am not at all interested in getting tattoes .

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