Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Straits Times E-Forum Reflection (Week 2)Article: “Sharp rise in girls under 16 having sex” – Home Section

Question 1 (you may choose to answer either or both questions):· State any two reasons mentioned in the article which contributes to the sharp rise in girls under 16 having sex.· What are some consequences which a girl might face for engaging in casual sex? '

Question 2What are some of your reactions after reading this article? If one day, a close friend of yours confess to you that he/she has been engaging in sex, what would your advice to him/her be?

The girl could have gotten sexually transmitted diseases from her sex partner , because ot her partner she neglected her studies which could affect her in the future , after having intercourse might get pregnant and by then would not have the financial needs and responsibilties to take good care and feed the baby , cannot find a faithful partner after marriage and if she decide to go an abort the baby she would have lesser chances of getting pregnant again even after marriage in the future when they are ready to have a child . My reactions were shocked as she made it to the headlines and also curious as to why she had choose to do it . I would tell my close friend that he should not have done that as one day his/her partner might get hurt emotionally soon after they did it as the other partner in now pregnant with his baby . I would tell them that its wrong and not the right time . And the guy might go to jail for what he did and tell him never to do it again as our main priority now is to work hard and study for our future so that we would not regret it . And also tell the girl that it is too early to have a baby at her age and also might contract sexually transmitted diseases which could make her have lesser chance of conceiveing another baby in the future .

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