Thursday, July 23, 2009

sec 3E Sttraits Times Blogging WEEK 4

Sec 3E EL Straits Times Blogging WEEK 4

Refer to the “in” Section

1) Pg 4: Her world’s a stage

Reflection Questions:

Do you consider yourself an artistic person?

What are your opinions of the theatre scene in Singapore?

2) Pg 10: Drink-and-Eat MRT Riders on the rise

Reflection Question:

How do you feel about MRT commuters eating and drinking blatantly on the train?

I do not not consider myself an artistic person as i do not know how to draw , paint and play musical instruments . I also do not think that i am quite artistic myself . I feel that its good as many people can learn a think or two just by observivg an art piece in the museum or by going to the musical theatre to watch a play which displays moral values . All this helps families get together and creates family times and moments to share with one and another to enjoy . I feel that those MRT commuters are inconsiderate as they only think about themselves and do not think how others feel as people like them do not abide by the rules . they do not feel ashamed but very thick skinned instead because they know about the sign which say no bringing of food in the train . they also feel that they are very rich as they do not care about the the heavy fines which are being imposed on them .therefore they are inconsiderate and rich but thick skinned .

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